Wisconsin Game Preserve Association

Member Benefits

Member Benefits

As a WGPA member, you will receive:

- Your business listing in the Membership Directory on the WGPA website
- Quarterly email updates outlining our recent legislative work and current issues
- Access to our Governmental Affairs Director/lobbyist
- The opportunity to attend Legislative Day in Madison and express your industry concerns to our lobbyist, department officials, and legislators

Membership Tiers

Associate Member $75/year
Sustaining Member $200/year
Gold Member $500/year
Diamond Member $1000/year
*Includes logo with link on WGPA website and logo on all email newsletters

About Our Lobbyist: Joel Kleefisch

Joel Kleefisch

     Born in Waukesha and making his adventuresome life in Wisconsin, Joel Kleefisch epitomizes Wisconsin's outdoor heritage. As the Government Affairs Director of the WGPA, his decades of experience in media, the legislature, and the outdoors make him the perfect representative for our industry. Joel first made his mark as an Emmy nominated and award-winning television journalist for the ABC affiliate in Milwaukee. His career took a dramatic turn with election to the Wisconsin State Assembly. He served 14 years authoring groundbreaking legislation for the safety of Wisconsinites, expansion of access to the state's natural resources, and innovative initiatives for veterans and the disabled. It's because of Joel that hunters can wear pink during the gun deer season! It was during this time Joel started the successful television show "Kill it, Clean it, Cook it". The highly rated, weekly show ran for 13 years and focused on "eating what you kill". It aired on his alma mater WISN 12. Joel also founded Triple J Outfitters, an alligator and wild hog hunting outfitter still giving thrill seekers a chance to harvest dangerous wild game to put on the table. Joel has mingled with presidents, traveled the world on hunting and fishing adventures, and experienced everything the great state of Wisconsin has to offer. His personal connections with legislative leaders and understanding of the process in Madison continue to make the difference for a more successful game preserve industry.

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